“The crisis is certainly not over; so opening this testing site is a big step in defeating this virus. As was mentioned previously our first responders and health care providers are able to utilize this testing site; but it’s also important to know that those who provide us with essential services: grocery stores employees, the utility workers can also use it as well.
As far as municipalities go, what we are doing now is running government under extraordinary circumstances. City Hall is the place where people used to be going to, and now they can’t go there anymore; and yet we still need to provide them with services. We do have employees that are coming in, going through the mail, responding remotely to emails, checking the voicemail, and keeping the civilian side of our operations open. And of course, our OEM, Police Department, Dispatch, and Public Works are fully operational; and I thank the men and women of our Police and Public Works departments for the great work that they are doing; all of these individuals keep our town moving forward; and we thank them and keep them all in our thoughts and prayers,” said Mayor Mayer.