Gloucester Township > Economic Development

Economic Development

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Message from Mayor David Mayer

“Today, Gloucester Township has a stable budget. Over the last three years we have cut public sector jobs, entered into shared services agreements, and put in place tough audit systems that will ensure every penny is accounted for and our expenditures are transparent. As a result of these efforts, the township enjoys an “A” bond rating from Standards & Poor.

Gloucester Township ranks as one of the top communities in the region because of our commitment to build a livable community. We have more police officers patrolling our streets than ever before, and we have many community gardens and parks. In a township that spans 23 square miles, we have homes that are ideal for people with
all tastes and budgets. Our proximity to Philadelphia, Atlantic City and ready access to all transportation resources makes our community the perfect location to live
work, and play.

We have made tangible progress in retaining and attracting new businesses. Our thoughtful and tested one-stop shop concept to review and approve good development projects has yielded positive results for our township. Whether it our focus on downtown rehabilitation or our intention to maximize the potential of our designated redevelopment areas, Gloucester Township is just getting started.

Please feel free to contact us and learn more about how Gloucester Township is Focused on Business and Grounded in Family.”


David R. Mayer

EDC Business Breakfasts Recaps

2023 Gloucester Township EDC Business Breakfast
2018 Gloucester Township EDC Business Breakfast
2017 Gloucester Township EDC Business Breakfast
2016 Gloucester Township Business Breakfast

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