Gloucester Township > Departments > Recreation Department

Recreation Department

Sub Departments:

Preschool | Camps | Youth Programs | Adult Programs | Senior Programs | Pools & Parks | Trips & Discount Tickets | Sports | SPKN – Special Parents and Kids Network | Gloucester Township Field of Dreams


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Rent the Gazebo at Veterans Park or Gazebo at Gloucester Township Community Park

The Recreation Department is currently offering the following locations for rental. Rentals can be booked on our Community Pass website at:

The Gazebos at Veterans Park and Gloucester Twp. Community Park are available for the following time slots: 8am-11:30am 12pm-3:30pm 4pm-7:30pm The Rental fee is $30 for GT Residents and $60 for nonresidents per time slot.

Register for CommunityPass:

Gloucester Township’s Special Parents & Kids Network (SPKN)

Gloucester Township’s Special Parents & Kids Network is a township supported, parent-directed, parent-to-parent support, education and information resources group that firmly believes that providing events and resources for families who care for special needs individuals is important to enhancing the lives of those individuals and their families. We are committed to building a network of resources, socialization opportunities, continuing education and support to children of all ages with special needs, their families and caregivers. Additionally, this group acts as a means to provide awareness of the importance of social integration of our children into the general population using opportunities to educate others and create overall societal acceptance.

For more information or any questions, please contact:
Judy Guido at

Gloucester Township Bike Programs

GTWheels Sustainable Bike Library

Gloucester Township’s GTWheels Sustainable Bike Library operates as a free bike library. Volunteers repair donated and recovered bikes and make them available for Gloucester Township residents.

Rent the Recreation Center for Birthday Parties!

$150.00 for two hours
Applications accepted at the Recreation Center.
*New policy—intended for children 4 – 14 years of age*

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