Looking for a home? Choose Gloucester Township! Download the presentation: PDF: gt-realtorppt.pdf PowerPoint:GT-REALTORppt.pptx
Looking for a home? Choose Gloucester Township! Download the presentation: PDF: gt-realtorppt.pdf PowerPoint:GT-REALTORppt.pptx
The Gloucester Township Code Enforcement Unit focuses on Neighborhood Preservation. Code Enforcement officers are non-sworn officers that enforce the township’s Municipal Ordinances, Zoning Ordinances, and Adopted Building and Safety Codes. The codes enforced deal primarily with public nuisances, zoning, and…
GTWorks is Mayor David Mayer’s weekly newsletter that informs residents of the current projects and events happening in Gloucester Township. From the Police Department to Public Works to the Department of Recreation, we want you to stay in the know…
Ask The Mayor Episodes The Mayor is excited to announce the launch of his new short series that answer questions posed by Gloucester Township residents in a brief and to-the-point video format! “Ask the Mayor” will cover the topics that…
In an effort to stop the abuse and diversion of prescription drugs, Gloucester Township residents are encouraged to dispose of their unused medications safely and securely at any time throughout the year using prescription drop off boxes provided by the…
FALL 2024 LEAF COLLECTION Public Works will begin Leaf Collection on November 4, 2024. Look for signs on the road. Don’t Worry! If you miss your round, we will continue to collect until all leaves are picked up. To make…
General Notes and Data Sources: The Gloucester Township Municipal Mapping is for demonstration purposes only, any use of this product with respect to accuracy and precision shall be the sole responsibility of the end user. The areas, boundaries and details,…
The present Township of Gloucester was one of the original townships that comprised Old Gloucester County. It became the county’s first political subdivision in 1685. The boundaries of the county extended from the Delaware River to the Atlantic Ocean until…
Solar energy generation statistics from the Gloucester Township municipal building solar array as well as other township government buildings, displayed in real-time. Click on a link below to view the energy the solar arrays have generated for each individual building.…
Resources for New Residents Important links for new residents in Gloucester Township. Recycling Trash collection Important phone numbers Voter registration Public schools (local K-8) Public schools (regional 9th-12th) Fire Districts Text HELLO to CITIBOT