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Celebrate 2022 Earth Day and all things green with the Gloucester Township Green Team! Sign an easy pledge to recycle, reduce, and conserve, and stop by the Mayor’s Office to get your free reusable tote bag just in time for the plastic ban to go in effect in May! For more information, please call the Mayor’s Office at 856-374-3514
To Take the Pledge Please Fill out the Form below and click SUBMIT!
(You don’t need a Google account to fill in the form, but all fields must be filled in before submitting)
The Green Team Pledge
Help save the Earth! These six steps are easy, and they may not seem like much of a difference, but every little bit goes a long way when teamwork is involved. Be a leader in our community and pledge to follow these six steps in order to preserve our planet for future generations:
2022 Challenge
To set my refrigerator between 37°F and 40°F.
Anything colder wastes energy!
To recycle items whenever possible.
Gloucester Township accepts plastics #1, #2; paper, glass, metal, electronics. Visit for a full list of recyclable materials.
To unplug all devices when not in use.
This will conserve energy and help reduce the amount of carbon dioxide that enters the atmosphere.
Reduce reliance on single use plastic bags by refusing plastic bags when not necessary and using reusable bags whenever possible.
Reduce use of single use water bottles by using reusable water bottles.
In the United States, less than 30% of single use plastic water bottles are recycled. Use of reusable water bottles saves money, reduces waste and reduces mining for raw materials.
Shop locally whenever possible to support local businesses and farmers.
Thank you to all of our current participants!