Gloucester Township > News > Gloucester Township Stormwater System Improvements Continue

Gloucester Township Stormwater System Improvements Continue

Construction of upgrades and improvements to the Gloucester Township Stormwater System, including Melvin Avenue Stormwater Pipe Replacement, Sturbridge Drive Stormwater Pipe Replacement and Argyle Avenue Stormwater Pipe Replacement have been awarded in the amount of $386,361.13; all projects are financed by the New Jersey Water Bank (NJWB). The NJWB is a State Revolving Fund program jointly administered by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and the New Jersey Infrastructure Bank (NJIB) and uses a combination of funds provided by the United States Environmental Protection Agency, the DEP, and the NJIB to provide very low interest loans to borrowers for environmental infrastructure projects.

These projects will provide water quality benefits. The repair and reconstruction of failing storm piping is anticipated to reduce the infiltration of sediment into the storm water system, thereby reducing the downstream transport of sediment and improving surface water quality. Improvements to surface water quality is a benefit for residents and businesses throughout the Township.

State Revolving Fund programs around the nation provide states and communities the resources necessary to maintain and improve the infrastructure protecting our valuable water resources nationwide.

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